chseq=496724;chatnewline('02 Sep 0850z nightsw: hu'); chatnewline('0850z nightsw: hi'); chatnewline('1115z ::ffff: Cus'); chatnewline('1707z Babou: Hi'); chatnewline('03 Sep 1331z ::ffff: yo'); chatnewline('04 Sep 1515z YG1BUU: HI '); chatnewline('05 Sep 1721z argon: T-marker (4325) active recently'); chatnewline('06 Sep 0027z ::ffff: Hey all ! Keeping my recordings on this channel I made if you want to check it out. Been enjoying the site, much thanks Argon ! '); chatnewline('0027z ::ffff:'); chatnewline('2020z argon: leaving it on for the evening (maybe night): '); chatnewline('2026z argon: for now 2-12MHz (sort of, with caveats), hence more tests required'); statsobj.innerHTML="Past 10 seconds: CPUload=50.0%, 9.00 users; audio 530.4 kb/s, waterfall 268.7 kb/s, http 14.5 kb/s"; uu(0,'argon',1,0.241911); uu(1,'Mazury/Warszawa',0,0.842041); uu(2,'::ffff:',1,0.307119); uu(3,'::ffff:',2,0.571045); uu(4,'::ffff:',1,0.307119); uu(5,'::ffff:',1,0.307119); uu(6,'',2,0.553561); uu(7,'Mazury/Warszawa',2,0.582764); uu(8,'',0,0.781982); uu(9,'',4,0.205820); uu(10,'',1,0.259277); uu(11,'::ffff:',1,0.305555); uu(12,'',2,0.565689); uu(13,'LU1020SWL-Ar',3,0.814453); uu(14,'',6,0.164814); uu(15,'',6,0.005463); uu(16,'',0,0.785767); uu(17,'',2,0.566193); uu(18,'',1,0.306021);